Chess Intermediate

About the course

the intermediate level marks a significant milestone in one's journey towards mastery. At this stage, players have gained a solid understanding of the game's fundamentals and are ready to delve deeper into strategic concepts and tactical intricacies. Intermediate players often focus on developing their positional understanding, honing their ability to evaluate pawn structures, piece activity, and control of key squares.
Age group: 5+
24 Extra class
6 Prize tournament
Weekly practice
500+ Puzzle assigned
Life time access
of portal
Age group: 5+
12 Extra class
3 Prize tournament
Weekly practice
500+ Puzzle
Life time access
of portal



Common tactics include forks, pins, skewers, discovered attacks, and double attacks, among others. Mastery of tactical patterns and the ability to recognize tactical opportunities are crucial skills for players

Tactical Motif

We have now arrived at the toughest (and most interesting) module of the Intermediate level. Kids are introduced to Decoy, Deflection, clearance ,interference.


We have learnt how to use the tactics, but how do we avoid or protect yourself against an undesirable outcome? This module is an introduction to "defense" defend against mate, Double attack, Pin etc.

Basic pawn ending

In this module we cover basic pawn ending, opposition, outflanking , pawn promotion, rule of the square and cut of enemy king

Zugzuwang, decoy, domination

"It is your turn to move, and all of your moves are bad!" Don't we all want our kid to be the smartest in the room? Learn about Zugzuwang, decoy, domination and how to create a mating threat in this module

Counter attack

The best defense in the game of chess is? You guessed it right- a counter attack. Learn about counter attack, pawn breakthrough, stalemate and overloaded pieces.

Opening Principal

There are also 2 simulations in this module where we discuss opening principles , various type of opening and also do a game analysis with the student.

Simplification, stalemate tactics, perpetual check

Time to brush up your skills on simplification and go further on the topic. Additionally, learn about X-ray attack, stalemate tactics, perpetual check and drawing combination