Chess Beginner

About the course

Are you looking to learn the basics of chess? Our beginner's course is designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of the game. Whether you're completely new to chess or looking to refresh your knowledge, this course will cover everything you need to know to start playing confidently. From understanding how the pieces move to learning basic strategies and tactics, we'll guide you through each step of your chess journey. By the end of the course, you'll have a solid foundation to build upon as you continue to explore the fascinating world of chess.
Age group: 5+
12 Extra class
3 Prize tournament
Weekly practice
500+ Puzzle assigned
Life time access
of portal
Age group: 5+
12 Extra class
3 Prize tournament
Weekly practice
500+ Puzzle
Life time access
of portal



Let's get started with an introduction to the board- naming the squares and how to set the board. Learn about the pieces of chess board and their movement, followed by a short review.


You know that developing is very important in the opening, but how does one win with a lead in development? The key is to "attack". Learn how to create an attack and polish your knowledge with a test review


We have learnt how to attack, but how do we avoid or protect yourself against an undesirable outcome? This module is an introduction to "defense".

Gaining material

In this module we cover pawn promotion, draw and how to capture an unprotected piece. Also learn how to gain by exchange.

Special Move

Get introduced to the first special rule of chess- castling.Halfway through the beginner module- it's now time to learn another special move, called "En passant".


Did you know that one side can force your king to the edge of the board? Learn about the double rook checkmate for your winning move! Also learn about the famous "mate" or checkmate move.